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Floating Currency: The Life Jacket of Ethiopia’s Sinking Economy?
It has finally happened. After many rumors and reports, Ethiopia’s currency devaluation has become a reality.
Hunting for Funds: Startup Grant and Capital Opportunities in Ethiopia
Many ideas fail to become reality and startups often abandon their progress due to insufficient access to capital.
Stretch it or Snap it: The Curious Case of Elastic and Inelastic Demand
Article explores elastic vs. inelastic demand using everyday examples. Highlights importance for businesses in pricing and empowers consumers' informed choices.
Thinking on the Margin: Tiny Tweaks for Big Impact in Your Daily Life
small tweaks like skipping a latte or taking the stairs add up.
Opportunity Cost: Every Choice Comes with a Price
Every choice has a "what if" cost. Weigh the paths not taken with this guide to opportunity cost. ⚖️️⛰️ #decisions #priorities #lifechoices
Sunken Costs: Don't Throw Good Money After Bad
Don't Throw Good Money After Bad: A Simple Explanation of Sunk Costs
Going Cashless: How Does it Help Ethiopia’s Economy?
A cashless economy can modernize a developing economy by reducing corruption and organized crime and ensuring equitable societal growth. But what about its drawbacks?
Pyramid scheme and MLM
In this article we will discuss about the dangers of pyramid scheme and how multi level marketing(MLM) is similar with pyramid scheme
Pros and Cons of The Digital Ecomnomy
Can digitalizing businesses be as important as they say? Losing the social factor in business, is it worth it? Let's look at the pros and cons of the digital economy
Cryptocurrency controversies in Ethiopia
The National bank of Ethiopia affirmed that it is illegal to involve in any form of crypto trading in Ethiopia. Is cryptocurrency a hub for criminal financing?
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