Its me unique..

4 min read

There is no universal formula that you to follow. There is only you to search for and define!

Im fascinated by people who are mature for their age. Also well achieved, highly educated and wealthy. some of them are very close friends and some are my life coach. My point is I like to be someone who could b a solution for this world. It really inspires me. I like to contribute in a life. I have a potential to do whatever it takes. There are challenges in life. But I never allow anyone tell me otherwise. A self is a small cave to live for. I'm older than a day so that's a proof myself is bigger than me, but many selves! Its what motivates me in life. I volunteer in many organisations. I try to help beneficiaries in my work place in different ways. There are needy people that I help in my personal life too. This is a small start but it will grow big. I believe I am a global figure. My destiny is bigger than what I hv now. Bigger than my location and my country too! I want to make this world a better place because I'm living in it. Played part in it. I don't wanna to live life for the sake of my parents brought me up here. I wanna experience every ounce of it. I wanna stretch better. I wanna play my role and callings. I'm sure someone here understands what im implying!

I hv been in darkest place in life but I never quit. I keep pressing coz I know its the only way out to light and shine. Because I know I'm a star ๐ŸŒŸ but for the star to shine it has time. Everything has time. I believe my timing is coming. I will arise and moved out from the grave. I had every right to be bitter, depressed, regerts, failures, disappointments. But I chose life. I chose happiness and joy. I chose thanksgiving. Because I know how I see and what I see in life destines my future. So my future to be bright and beautiful. I hv to see right my yesterday and today. So I ended my previous disappointments by forgiveness. That's how you do it. Maybe what happened in my life I don't hv the full understanding. Maybe sometimes I hv many questions in my soul. But I let it go and chose to be ok despite the frustration. I need to have faith and right mindset for my moment and future.

Total reliance on God is crucial. I hv victorious mindset! I refuse to b defeated. I dont allow failures to swallow me. Challenges, tribulation and wilderness are part of life. They may come but I don't allow to sit on me. They will go away because I don't give them a space to stay.

I love people because every one is created unique. Everyone is created with some callings and goals so I respect humanity. I don't like to differentiate people based on their status. I don't like to offend people since I don't like be offended. Life is a choice! you can chose to be anyone. You can choose to be happy or sad. You can choose to be wealthy or poor or u can choose to be successful or failure..its all a choice! Life is a perspective! It is how you see it? if you see life like a toughest journey..its like you see it..if you see as an adventurous and joyful is like you you see and perceive things is how your life will be. No one is better or bigger zan any one. The only difference is how that person do things? Give it your best shot...put efforts towards to it..many trainings in to it..hard working and persistence. Those keys put people in another level. There is no right and unmovable formula in life! If the formula isn't working for you. You don't hv to follow it for the sake of most are on board. Everything is in relativity. Let's say a person wants to get married if that is his desire and he is right for himself. If the other person don't ever want get married that's right for him too. There is no universal law for everyone to follow and do right. Everybody's story is unique!!! Make your own unique stories!!!

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