YouTube channels with information overload part #2


YouTube channels with information overload

On part #1 I listed YouTube channels which I learned a lot from, on this part I'm going to list YouTube channels with a ton of information.

1. Two Minute Papers

Two Minute Papers summarizes research papers in a 2-10 minute video. The videos range from breakthrough AI research to Mathematical stimulation model research. Károly (the creator of the channel) is Famous for "What a time to be alive!" catchphrase which makes you feel good for witnessing such ingenuity in our timeline.

2. Veritasium

Veritasium videos are a must watch, they are really fascinating and educational. The channel has got 1,708,959,736 views and I think its well deserved.

3. Jeff Nippard

"This channel is dedicated to providing science-based training and nutrition information and journaling my own fitness journey". The go-to place to get fitness content.

4. Technology Connections

Technology Connections covers topics I have never seen anywhere else. With unique, interesting and in depth videos Technology Connections has recently got my attention.

5. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Kurzgesagt is one of the channels that doesn't need an introduction. I can't pass without admiring their stunning animations/visuals though.

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