The Unexpressed Jemberu Demeke


A fire from Saliyon, lighting the path to self-expression...

Jemberu Demeke, also known as JD, saw his music career soar after collaborating with the father of Ethio-Jazz, Gash Mulatu Astatke, on the track "I Faram Gamme”. The rapper/singer rose to fame with this song and nine more from his debut album.  Building on this success, Jemberu recently released his second studio album titled “Esatu-Se(እሳቱ-ሰ).” In the Amharic language, "Esatu-Se'' corresponds to the alphabet character “ሰ”, which translates to "Fire Se." The album's title plays on the theme of fire, distinguishing it from another character, Nigusu se “ሠ”

Esatu Se: A character from Saliyon

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