Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Social Relationships
Even though we are just starting to understand the concept of emotional intelligence, its necessity has become increasingly clear. Let's uncover what it is and its importance.
The intelligence quotient (IQ) test, a scoring system that assesses a person's capacity for problem-solving and reasoning, is well-known to many people. You might even have tried one yourself. On the other hand, emotional intelligence is a new concept that only gained recognition in the 90s. The word “intelligence” is habitually associated with mental intellect rather than emotions.
Often mental intelligence becomes over-idealized as it is wrongly perceived to be the sole contributor to success in life as opposed to emotional intelligence. Many cultures and communities view emotion as a sign of weakness. The open display, expression, and discussion of emotion are discouraged. Meanwhile, courses and subjects in schools and universities often strongly emphasize on the development of intellect.