
Your maybe is about uncertainty in relationships not knowing your role in the relationship but still you are doing it!


I was your favorite maybe the most line you like using in every sentence you say… I was your favorite maybe that you drove miles just to spend a little private time with…. I was your favorite maybe that you can’t have a cup of coffee with so you don’t get caught while you are with me… I was your favorite maybe that you don’t like acknowledging but still wanna have me in your closest of your life somewhere hidden. I was your favorite maybe that you like to silence whenever you receive a phone call from your parents like a teenager hiding a secret from its parent. I was your favorite maybe that you hide from the world except to yourself. I was your favorite maybe that you tell to your colleagues like a love story you never lived…I was your favorite maybe you always like coming in the dark cause that’s where you truly belong…. I was your favorite maybe you see me in every girl you meet…. I was your favorite maybe you kept looking for until you lost track of how it’s supposed to be…. I was your favorite maybe no matter how much you can lie to yourself but I have seen it all…. I was your favorite maybe that you proposed to while giving a ride to the house just for the sake of asking how ridiculous…. I was your favorite maybe but definitely I wasn’t the one…. I was your favorite maybe you call me from time to time just to check on if I still hold on……

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