NEW Being

1 min read

A Poem About New Resolution

 I called myself a useless soul

But I was just a clueless soul

All I needed was cognizance of the world

Cognizance of its ups and downs

Cheers and yays 

Boos and hisses

Laughs and Tears

Of its lucidity and miseries 

Am twenty one and I expected the world to be

Sunshine and rainbows just like a kid in grade one

But I will work on my vanity

overcome all of my Anxiety.

The world won't scare me from now on

For I know how I battled inside my own cocoon

This is the time i will fight it on my own.

Now its   moulting and eclosion phase  

But sooner or later the time will arrive

for the beautiful imago inside me  to rise .

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