Go Lang Basics Series #1
the most promising programming language for modern application
The Basics concept introduced Go as a statically typed, compiled programming language. The language is often referred to as Golang because of its domain name, golang.org, but the proper name is Go.
The Basics concept introduces three major language features: Packages, Functions, and Variables.
Go applications are organized in packages. A package is a collection of source files located in the same directory. All source files in a directory must share the same package name. It is conventional for the package name to be the last directory in the import path. For example, the files in the "math/rand" package begin with the statement package rand
. When a package is imported, only entities (functions, types, variables, constants) whose names start with a capital letter can be used / accessed. The recommended style of naming in Go is that identifiers will be named using camelCase
, except for those meant to be accessible across packages which should be CamelCase
Go is statically-typed, which means all variables must have a defined type at compile-time.
Variables can be defined by explicitly specifying a type:
var explicit int // this is telling the compiler explicitly the variable is a type of integer
You can also use an initializer, and the compiler will assign the variable type to match the type of the initializer.
Once declared, variables can be assigned values using the = operator. Once declared, a variable's type can never change.
Constants hold a piece of data just like variables, but their value cannot change during the execution of the program.
Constants are defined using the const
keyword and can be numbers, characters, strings or booleans:
Go functions accept zero or more parameters. Parameters must be explicitly typed, there is no type inference.
Values are returned from functions using the return
A function is invoked by specifying the function name and passing arguments for each of the function's parameters.
Note that Go supports two types of comments. Single line comments are preceded by //
and multiline comments are inserted between /*
and */
in the next article we will solve some challenges from https://exercism.org/
FYI: the contents are from https://exercism.org/ you can visit the go lang track
second article link